Hi, my name is Abolfazl
I'm Front End Js Developer.

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I`m a Frontend web Application Developer & Designer. I have experience building responsive & mobileFirst using React, javaScript,css3,Sass... .

Here is some more about me and my profession

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My Projects!

Electron Kanban Board

I`ve developed a native desktop app using Javascript,Html5,Css3 & Sass.This is a cool board where you can list your tasks with a Drag & Drop items! I put the source code in dockerhub for Demonstration.



This one is NASA NEWS built with Pure javaScript ES6 ,Html5,Css3 And Sass. this famous app uses NASA API to fetch posts,news,data and latest articles by NASA USA. This version is interactive & you can save your favorite Posts and Articles

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So Many assets and reusable Codes!

you should definitely check out my GitHub Profile. I put a lot of useful components and reusable codes for my next projects, it worth it, Assets are written in javaScript and would be used in redux, react, Sass and Css3!

GitHub Profile! Reusable COMPs


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